A wonderful couple

A wonderful couple
Jason Yune (Yunie) and Sung Yune

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The waiting game

So today Curt and I headed over to the hospital around 4:30 pm. We ran into Janet and her mom there around the same time. Today Yunie was mostly alone as family tended to the needs of kids, church, and getting ready for the upcoming week.

This was the first time Curt had seen Yunie and I could tell his condition was a bit of a shock for him. For anyone who goes to visit him, just know that as of today, he is still not responsive. He has been at the hospital since Thursday (4 days now) and he has yet to open his eyes. It makes it very difficult to see him in this condition as I'm sure you can all agree that Yunie is one of the most vibrant, giving, generous people I think we all know.

Yesterday was a reminder of his absence as several family members got together at our house for an impromptu Korean bbq dinner. It was cathartic to be around family and see all the parents hang out but at the same time you could just tell something or rather, someone, was missing. Yunie. His smile, his laugh, his good natured spirit. We all want him back and the hardest part is the waiting game.

I know Janet will tell me I'm leaving some stuff out so I have given her my login in case she wants to post this week. It's just hard as she is so close to this situation and there is a lot of pressure on her. If any of you can help her out with child care so she can come to the hospital to be with her dad that would be awesome. Just putting in a little pitch. I think it's times like these where we all come together.

So Yunie's condition is the same. No change. He has gone up and down with a low grade fever. Twice a day the doctors do their rounds. They stop by once in the morning and once in the evening. They typically will reduce the level of his sedation to try to get him to awaken. He usually gets restless and tries to pull the breathing tube out which they obviously don't want to do yet until they can test normal brain function to see if he can respond to commands, track with his eyes and that type of thing. They have had no success to-date. Doesn't mean it won't happen it just means that there is no progress.

They have not done another CT scan since things are the same. Should he show any signs of distress, they will surely conduct another CT but as they monitor him 24/7 it's all about weaning him off the ventilator by using the CPAP which they are doing several times a day for 4 hours at a time.

Tomorrow is Monday and for most of us, we will go back to our daily lives and go on with things. Just remember to think of Janet, Sung, Daniel, and Sandra and maybe, if you can extend yourself a little, please do. Childcare, meals, errands, keeping Janet company at the hospital - whatever you can do I know would help a lot. She didn't ask me to write this. I just know that this alone is overwhelming. It's hard to see Yunie like this and we continue to pray for healing and patience during this difficult time.

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