WOW. Wow, is all I can say to sum up the past 12 days. Especially the past 72 hours. So much has progressed in the last 3 days that I am still kind of in shock. Every day that my dad was in the hospital he made huge improvements and all of the doctors and nurses referred to my dad as the 'Miracle Case' or 'Miracle Man'. With good reason of course. I spoke with all of his nurses and doctors daily and all I got were great reports. First, he was taken off the anti-spasm medication (Nimotop - prevents Vasospasms). Next, he was gradually weaned off of the blood pressure medication (Neosynephrine) and then finally he was taken off the Potassium supplement and Saline drip. All this took place in a matter of about 48 hours - if that. He was able to maintain his BP levels on his own (without the help of meds) which is a big deal since that has been one of the main struggles for years. He was so relieved to have all the wires and IV lines and monitors removed so he could move about freely. He was constantly walking around the ICU ward, trying to get as much exercise as possible. He requested for Korean food to be hand delivered (by family) multiple times as he calls the hospital food "junk". I rented a handful of movies for him, brought him the newspaper and showed him videos/pictures of Caeden and Taylor playing. Still, his chief complaint was BOREDOM. He acted as if he was literally going to die from it. This of course is refreshing for the doctors and nurses to hear coming from a guy that suffered a major brain injury not even a week prior!
Okay, so continuing on... About 10pm, Monday night I get a call from Susan, his nurse, saying that he is being moved to a regular room on the 5th floor. I couldn't believe my ears. Tuesday morning I talked to his doctors and come to find out he is in the Stroke Center. These are patient rooms that are for stroke patients that are no longer in ICU but still recovering. Dr. Gerras, one of the neurosurgeons, said that he is just amazed at how remarkable his recovery had been thus far. He said that if he didn't know any better he would have never guessed that dad had been in such bad shape when he was first admitted! He is passing all of the physical therapy tests with flying colors, BP levels are perfect, neurologically satisfactory and an appetite like a champ.
This afternoon (Tuesday)...Dr. Gerras and Dr. Levy (another neurosurgeon) give the go ahead for discharge! Of course, I'm asking them a million and a half questions making sure all bases are covered. I guess I was kind of surprised that they were letting him go home so soon after being released from ICU but like I keep saying, he's a miracle case. I got to the hospital just before 3pm this afternoon but not before fulfilling another request for food. This time dad was craving a hamburger from Jack in the Box with onion rings! Too funny. Fast forward to just before 5pm and we have discharge papers in hand, dad is all dressed in his regular clothes and we are ready to head home. Oh, but not before he spends a good 10-15 minutes saying goodbye to several nurses, therapists, and the pharmacist and giving them directions to his deli! My dad, the social butterfly. Some things just don't change (thank God)!
This evening we all went out to dinner for a last minute belated birthday dinner for my brother, Daniel who turned 21 last Wednesday. It was like old times, like nothing had happened. It was all very surreal. Kind of like how it felt when he was intubated and chemically comatose and unresponsive. It was just so unbelievable.
I have 99% of my old dad back and that feels really good to say. I know 110% it is because of the good Lord that I am even able to say that. However, even with his remarkable come back, he will need constant supervision the next few days to make sure he doesn't have any falls or accidents and so he can get used to be being back at home. Monday the 21st he will meet with his neurosurgeon to have another angiogram done to check the coiled aneurysm, hematoma and trauma site overall. Thankfully, other than feeling a bit weak, he is in good enough shape to not have to go through physical therapy or rehab. He will not be able to return to work for at least 4 to 5 weeks or so and even then he will not be able to, or rather, allowed to perform certain activities. This 'second chance at life' is hopefully making him realize that he needs to stop and smell the flowers more often. God definitely used my dad to prove that he does indeed work miracles. God also hears our cries and answers our prayers. Prayers from all of you that my family and I will forever be grateful for. Without all of your support and love, we would not have been able to get through the past 2 weeks and on going. The offers to run errands, childcare, meals, chores, and all the flowers and cards and kind sentiments will never be forgotten and are undoubtedly more appreciated than any of you will ever know. There are just not enough words to express the gratitude. Thank you so much to all of you. You are all such beautiful examples of God's love! Please keep the prayers coming for continued healing upon my dad!
Blessings and much love,
The Yune/Gossett Family
Yunie, Sung, Sandra, Daniel, Janet, Steve, Caeden and Taylor
Thanks to Janet, Sandra, Helen for great posts and updates. We'll all been reading (and hanging on) them all.