A wonderful couple

A wonderful couple
Jason Yune (Yunie) and Sung Yune

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to the grind....

Hi Friends and Family!

It’s already been two weeks since my last update. Can you believe it? Time flies when you’re having fun!

  I am reminded again of God’s healing power in my father’s life. It is incredible to believe that my dad is walking, talking, eating, sleeping and doing the normal things we take for granted. I look back and think that only 4 weeks ago he was on life support and teetering between life and death. If anything I am in total awe of God’s amazing grace when I think about this. One word describes it all. Amazing!

On another note, dad is very happy to be back at work. He was welcomed with open arms from all the customers. Everyone was happy to have their ‘Jackie Chan’ back. However, he is constantly reminded to take it easy from them and to take care of himself. If there is one thing we can count on it’s the deli’s customers to keep him accountable. J

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks. Most importantly, dad has not smoked a cigarette since he left the hospital! This is amazing considering he has smoked for almost 23 years. I always try and remind him that a cigarette equals a stroke. Scary but true. Please keep him in your prayers that the urge to smoke can be eradicated completely. Only God can give my dad the willpower to overcome such an obstacle.

Thank you again for keeping my dad in your thoughts and prayers. I am deeply grateful that my family is surrounded with love and support. God has given us incredible friends and family. J

Stay tuned…….


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